Jayden Jonathan Jahja

Hello! My name is Jayden

Hi! My name is jayden johnathan jahja. I was born on October 10 2010 in Indonesia.My parents are the best people in the world so let me introduce them to you. They are my parents both of them are very nice people

I have a older brother named Justin Johnathan Jahja . His age is 15 currently and we have age gap of 3 years because he was born in November 16 2007.My brother could be annoying sometimes but most of the time he is very kind and overall just a realy good brother.

I live in Jarkata with my father, mother and my brother. when i was in k1 i have go to a school called tutor time i had so much great time in there and i have some realy embarrassing moments like when i was in the toilet minding my own buisness while all of a sudden a random girl just open the door while i was pooping and i have a few other storys i had a good time in tutor time.

On my 1st grade , I studied at Binas Tunas Bangsa(BTB) when first i entered the school i was emazed cause it seemed so big and cool but when the first time i entered my classroom i was so anxious too meet other people. So I am at 8th grade living my life as a student everyday after school i finish at 2.30 then i go to tuition till 6-7pm then go back home take a bath eat and play games till 10 or 11 then go to bed and repeat.